Reasons to Opt For Regenerative Medicine

When you’re dealing with a chronic injury, it can be tough to know when to give up and when to keep pushing. You might have tried all the traditional therapies– rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE)– and they haven’t worked. If that sounds like you, it might be time to consider regenerative medicine. The fact that our bodies have the capability to heal themselves is the principle upon which regenerative medicine works. Additionally, our bodies have a defense mechanism against harm and diseases. Unlike conventional medical treatment, regenerative medicines go beyond dealing with the symptoms and undertake the total restoration of impaired function or organ. For this reason, there is hope for you if you are facing a medical condition that the doctors considered that there is no possible treatment for. 

Regenerative medicine is becoming an increasingly popular treatment for chronic injuries. They include amniotic membrane and fluid and alpha-2 macroglobulin. Each of these therapies has been shown to promote healing in a different way. One of the ways that regenerative health treatment acts on your body is by increasing the rate of the production of collagen. The net effect of this is that you will have stronger tissues and tendons in your body. In the end, it is possible to move your joints more freely, which facilitates functionality that is elevated in your body. 

Here are the top 5 reasons to consider a regenerative medicine

1. Cortisone has not gotten the job done. Most chronic tendon problems are not inflammatory, and thus, cortisone will provide minimal long-term benefit. Not all cases of joint pain are inflammatory either.

2. The injury is chronic and hasn’t healed with traditional therapies. If you’ve been dealing with an injury for a while, it’s likely that traditional therapies haven’t worked for you. Regenerative medicine may be able to help promote healing and get you back to your normal routine.

3. You’re looking for an alternative to surgery. If you’ve been told that you need surgery, regenerative medicine may be a good alternative. In some cases, surgery can be avoided altogether with the help of regenerative medicine. 

4. You want to avoid medication. Many people are looking for alternatives to medication, and regenerative medicine may be the perfect solution. It is all-natural and aims to promote healing. If you are suffering from pain and decreased function in an area of your body, regenerative medicine may be the solution you are looking for. 

5. You want to improve your overall health. Regenerative medicine isn’t just for treating injuries– it can also improve your overall health. Amniotic membrane and fluid and alpha-2 macroglobulin all have various health benefits that can improve your quality of life.

At this point, both their present and future look very bright. If you’re considering regenerative medicine, talk to your doctor today. They can help you decide if this is the right treatment for you.

Member Spotlight 

QC Kinetix (Lubbock)

4903 82nd St, Suite 50 

Lubbock, TX 79424

(806) 334-3320

Lubbock regenerative medicine usually deals with the “rejuvenation of the entire human body or tissue or organ by engineering.”

Lubbock knee replacement alternatives are that many of them are considered non-invasive. This fact has helped to make many of these treatments more popular since many people would rather avoid surgery and instead work towards a cure through other means.

Lubbock knee replacement involves a combination of conservative measures and surgical procedures. A thorough medical history and physical examination are essential for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

QC Kinetix (Lubbock) specialises in knee replacement Lubbock. They are dedicated to providing excellent care and service with the goal of improving the lives of our patients. 

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